Dadvengers – Support For New Dads
So, you’re a new or expecting parent. You head online for a little help or support. Or to find answers to a parenting question that’s got you worried. If you’re a woman you’re bound to find a few articles that will help. But if you’re a man you’ll find a lot less support for new dads. Don’t get me wrong things are changing, and particularly now, lots of organisations have seen that they need to do better and are making changes. The thing is, like the book says, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. We do things differently, learn differently and ultimately parent differently. That doesn’t mean we can’t work together and be awesome parents. It just means when we bring men into the conversation we need to think about the best way to do it.
What is Dadvengers?
Dadvengers was set up in 2020 and is a community of parents (not just dads), geared towards supporting dads on their parenting journey. The idea was born when we recorded an all dads episode of ‘The Baby Club’ (CBeebies). With resources ranging from blog posts and digital content, to podcasts and face to face opportunities for fathers to connect. We have become one of the fastest growing dad inclusive parenting organisations in the UK. What make us different is our tone. We are about empowering dads through knowledge and support. As opposed to teaching dads because they don’t know what they’re doing. This has lead to engaging content that both men a women enjoy.
Inclusive Parenting Communities to Support New Dads
If you’d asked me 13 years ago when my son was born if there was a need for a community to support dads I would have said ‘No I’m good’. But in hindsight the need for fathers to have a
support network is immense. The narrative for men has, for far too long, been one that perpetuates a bravado and an ‘I can cope by myself’ attitude. And even if a man would appreciate a little help figuring out fatherhood, often they wont say. This attitude is actually detrimental to growth as a parent. And more importantly it can lead to mental health issues and worse.
So I set out to create a dad inclusive parenting community. Supporting dads on their parenting journey without it being preachy, or mum-centered. We pride ourselves on being fully inclusive while also focusing on the needs of dads in the parenting space. We were told by dads in our community that they were overlooked at parent and baby groups. They felt like outsiders, or like they weren’t really welcome. So, we started our Dad Walks – a regular gettogether for dads and their kids. With one in North London and one in Norfolk, they’re a great opportunity for dads to talk about parenting. Or work, music, sports… life in general! There is no pressure to talk about anything in particular which is part of why the dads love them.
Dadvengers at the Baby Show
“What are you doing at the baby show” I hear you ask! We will be talking to new parents all about our community and how we provide support for new dads. We will be sharing resources and advice, and welcoming new members into the fold! We’re there to spread the Dadvengers word and show all the dads that they can get the support they need, in the way they want it, without feeling judged! We’re looking forward to meeting all the new and expectants parents – so make sure you come and find us!
I will also be heading up on stage to talk about Becoming A Dad: Expectation vs. Reality. I’ll be joined by one of our brilliant community members and disability rights activist, Dr Amit. Olympic silver medalist Iwan Thomas, and comedian and actor George Lewis. It is bound to be a great chat, with advice for new dads that they might not find anywhere else.
New Dad Course: Support for New Dads
We’re also launching our New Dad Course. The course is aimed at new and expectant fathers to help them prepare for what’s to come! We’ll be giving practical and emotional advice. Plus it gives an opportunity meet other dads-to-be in the same situation. We’re sure you’ll create some new friends to share the parenting journey with. There will be an exclusive rate for the course if you sign up at The Baby Show, so make sure you come and find us!