The Body Doctor


The Body Doctor

  • | Healthcare and Wellbeing
  • | First Trimester
  • | Second Trimester
  • | Third Trimester
  • | Fourth Trimester (0-3 months)
  • | 3-6 months
  • | 6-12 months
  • | 12+ months

The Body Doctor is a family run business founded in 2012. The vision of the business was, and continues to be, to devise, develop and supply innovative solutions that focus on primarily promoting and optimising eye health. Backed by science, and supported by experts in the medical field, including Dr Hilary Jones MBE, we want to raise awareness of eyecare, especially eye hygiene and deliver a series of preventative solutions and treatments to common problems. 

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  • An AREDS2 based supplement to help maintain normal vision. Taken once a day, MacuPrime PLUS+® delivers nutrients to the protective macula pigment. The macular pigment is made up of 3 carotenoids calle ...
  • MacuPrime®, delivers nutrients to the protective macula pigment. The macular pigment is made up of 3 carotenoids  which gather at the macula to provide natural protection to light-sensitive cells at t ...


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