


  • | Food and Feeding
  • | Fourth Trimester (0-3 months)
  • | 3-6 months
  • | 6-12 months
  • | 12+ months

Inspired by over 50 years of breastmilk research, Aptamil is the Number 1 Brand for Follow-on Milk in the UK.*

The more we understand about the wonderful and unique properties of breastmilk, the more we can help support parents to give babies the best possible start.

Aptamil provide a wide product offering for whatever your needs might be, from powdered formulations to our more convenient formats** for on the go such as Ready to Drink, as well as our unique Tab format.

*IRI infoscan total market MAT w/c 27/05/2023 domestic volume sales for Aptamil Follow on Milk Total UK **More convenient than powdered formulations. Breastfeeding is best. Follow on milk should only be used as part of a mixed diet from 6 months. Talk to your healthcare professional.

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  • Inspired by 50 years of breastmilk research, our team of Nutricia scientists have developed our next generation powder formulation. Aptamil® Follow On Milk contains vitamins A & C and GOS/FOS* It is t ...
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