Little Wishlist


Little Wishlist

  • | Sustainable
  • | Accessories
  • | Bathing
  • | Buggies, Pushchairs and Strollers
  • | Car Seats
  • | Carriers and Slings
  • | Changing
  • | Classes
  • | Clothing (Baby & Toddler)
  • | Clothing (Maternity)
  • | Food and Feeding
  • | Furnishing (Nursery)
  • | Furniture
  • | Gifts
  • | Healthcare and Wellbeing
  • | Organic
  • | Skincare
  • | Sleep
  • | Technology
  • | Toys
  • | Second Trimester
  • | Third Trimester

Little Wishlist is an online gift registry which helps parents (and babies) receive gifts they’ll genuinely love and use, by making gift giving in the UK easier, more sustainable and completely personalised. With Little Wishlist, gifts can be added to your wish list from all online retailers (including the independents and second hand sites) and you can also add links for things like local baby classes and subscriptions too. This way, you’ll be more likely to get the gifts you really want and need.


Olympia Stand

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  • Due to the overwhelming amount of baby products in the market, loads of really great, sustainable options are sadly being overlooked. That's why we created the Little Wishlist baby box. Inside the box ...
  • Getting gifts you'll genuinely love and use has never been easier. With Little Wishlist you can create a gift list in minutes. Gifts can be added to your wish list from all online retailers (including ...
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