Dr Chinny
Chinny Obinwanne is a Medical Doctor, an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) and a member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Her journey toward becoming an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and providing professional lactation services started when she had her first child and struggled with producing enough breast milk to satisfy her. With her medical knowledge and experience, she was able to research and come up with a solution to solve her breast milk supply issues. This led her to venture into breastfeeding interventions to support other lactating women around the world. As an established breastfeeding doctor, Dr chinny has helped over 50,000 families achieve their breastfeeding goals through the Milk Booster and the Breastfeeding Doc platforms. She recently published a breastfeeding book titled Breastfeeding with Ease and has also provided evidence-based videos on other areas like Pregnancy and Weaning. Dr chinny currently serves as the CEO and Lead lactation consultant of the Milk Booster breastfeeding company. She has made it her mission that no baby has to suffer because of low breastmilk supply and that no mother would ever feel like a failure on her first motherly duty as Dr Chinny did with her daughter.