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What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag? Prepping your hospital bag is an exciting milestone for mums-to-be as it means that the wait for your new arrival is nearly over!
Sleep, glorious sleep. Every parent goes through the tired stage and every parent wants and needs more sleep! We’ve put together this handy guide to Project Baby's sleep friendly products.
Try to maintain an ideal room temperature Your baby’s room should be between 16°C and 20°. A room thermometer can help you check. If you feel chilly, you can add an extra layer to your baby, but avoid ...
Bestselling child nutritionist, Charlotte Stirling-Reed returns with her latest cookbook The Ultimate Weaning & Toddler Cookbook out March 2025, filled with 100 new, simple, nutrition-packed recipes t ...
Check out Annabel Karmels 'Tasty Ways to say I Love You - Valentines Day Special'
Whether this is your first baby or fifth, the nursery market is forever changing, and it can be totally overwhelming. The Baby Show with Lidl GB brings over 350 brands under one roof to help make shop ...
Check your travel plans – whether you are travelling from near or far check the roads, trains, buses or underground before leaving home to make sure your travel plans have not been affected. If drivin ...
And why are we advising you to massage it? From 35 weeks of pregnancy massaging the perineum 3 to 5 times a week for only 3 to 5 minutes each time using an appropriate massage oil has been proven to a ...
Birth Prep Top Tips for Clarion My Expert Midwife will be giving our excellent Birth Preparation Talk on the Live Stage at The Baby Show Olympia London on both Friday 25th and Sunday 27th October, but ...
What is the deal with Sleep Regressions? It is very normal for sleep to go up and down; to have periods when sleep is easy and periods when sleep is much harder. The thing to remember is that sleep is ...
Did you know that most accidents involving young children happen within the home?
Practical Ways to Prepare Your Relationship for Parenthood Preparing for the arrival of your first child is such an exciting time! But it can also feel like there’s an awful lot to do. Among the anten ...
so we’re looking at all the essentials you’ll need to pack for a hospital birth, when you should have it packed by based on our own experiences. When should you pack your bag? Most babies arrive bet ...
One of the most common challenges new parents face is understanding and managing on disrupted sleep. The commonly used phrase ‘sleeping like a baby’ describes someone sleeping soundly, still and quiet ...
There’s nothing more exciting than shopping for your new addition. Expecting a child is an exciting and busy time. From the moment you find out you’re pregnant you spend the entire time leading up to ...
Hypnobirthing is a generic term which encompasses a range of techniques covering breathing, relaxation, and visualisation, but which can also extend further to release fear, stress and worry to achiev ...
Wean Wise - Gut Thrive!
Having and raising a child is a flipping great thing, but it is also hard work.
As April is C-Section awareness month we discuss the pros and cons of maternal request sections.
Project Baby's guide to buying all the essentials for your new arrival.
Dr. Robert Titzer, founder of the Infant Learning Company shares his top tips for early language learning